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  • Pugs gave birth to -Ofun in 2005. It's a partial implementation of Perl 6 written in Haskell. No one has worked on it much since 2007. But to this day -- I'm writing this in July 2013 -- Audrey Tang has kept it building and Coke has kept it tested against the P6 test suite. So if reading haskell code written by Audrey, and changing it to make Pugs pass more of the P6 test suite, sounds like fun to you, go for it! :)
  • Perl 6 is a member of the Perl family of languages. Audrey created the ofun vibe on the freenode IRC channel #perl6 in 2005 and denizens have enjoyed it ever since.
  • The perl-compiler enables hackable and static Perl 5 optimizations, in contrast to standard stable perl. Esp. B::CC. Some quick links: perlcc -O -O3 -fno-autovivify, -fno-magic: Up to 6x faster perl in the Benchmark Game.

  • Perlito is a family of src-level translators that parse Perl 5 & 6 subsets and generate code for perl5, perl6, js and lisp backends.
  • Perl11 is an effort to modularize Perl 5 parsing, compiler/optimizer, and the runtime/VM.
  • Moe is an experiment aimed at writing a new Perl parser, compiler and runtime in Scala.
  • p2 is Reini Urban's perl11 project with a new Perl parser, compiler and runtime based on _why the lucky stiff's potion with perl5 and perl6 backends.
  • gperl is Goshima Masaaki's fastest perl5-like project, compiling via LLVM, about 3x faster than p2. He recently split parts of gperl into various Compiler:: modules and announced a release for April 2014.
  • Tokuhiro Matsuno has several interesting -OFun and perl11 projects: pvip, a perl6 parser written in greg, which will be used as p6 grammar for p2, and Perl::Lexer, perl5 tokenizer as XS. He also works on advanced perl6-like syntax and more performance for perl.
  • is Vyacheslav Matyukhin's quest to bring quests to everyone.